This MUST be placed into your DBD Config NOT your Theme Config!

useThemeMaintenance: Boolean,
underMaintenance: {
    title: String,
    contentTitle: String,
    texts: String[],

    // Must contain 3 cards. All fields are optional - If card not wanted on maintenance page, infoCards can be deleted,
    infoCards: [
            title: String,
            subtitle: String,
            description: String
            title: String,
            subtitle: String,
            description: String
            title: String,
            subtitle: String,
            description: String

Example Usage

useThemeMaintenance: true,
underMaintenance: {
    title: "Under Maintenance",
    contentTitle: "This page is under maintenance",
    texts: [
        "We still want to change for the better for you.",
        "Therefore, we are introducing technical updates so that we can allow you to enjoy the quality of our services.",
        "Come back to us later or join our Discord Support Server"

    // "Must contain 3 cards. All fields are optional - If card not wanted on maintenance page, infoCards can be deleted",
    infoCards: [
            title: "100+",
            subtitle: "Over 100 commands!",
            description: "Look at our commands during our downtime"
            title: "500",
            subtitle: "Text",
            description: "Description here!"
            title: "!",
            subtitle: "Warning",
            description: "Do you even have permission to be here?"



A Boolean which determines if the theme maintenance page should be used.


An Object which contains all the information for the maintenance page.


A String which is the title of the maintenance page.


A String which is the title of the content of the maintenance page.


An Array of Strings which are the texts of the maintenance page.


An Array of Objects which are the cards of the maintenance page.


A String which is the title of the card.


A String which is the subtitle of the card.


A String which is the description of the card.