Theme Config
Theme Config
An Object containing all of the locales to be used.
This is used to edit any of the text in the theme. You can also add your own locales to the theme to support multiple languages.
The top most locale will be the default locale will be used when no locale
is detected from the browser. By not defining themeConfig.locales
the themes
premade locale will be used.
Example Usage
theme: SoftUI({
locales: {
enUS: {
name: "English",
index: {
feeds: ["Current Users", "CPU", "System Platform", "Server Count"],
card: {
image: "link to image",
category: "Soft UI",
title: "Assistants - The center of everything",
"Assistants Discord Bot management panel. Assistants Bot was created to give others the ability to do what they want. Just.<br>That's an example text. <br><br><b><i>Feel free to use HTML</i></b>",
footer: "Learn More",
feedsTitle: "Feeds",
graphTitle: "Graphs",
manage: {
settings: {
memberCount: "Members",
info: {
info: "Info",
server: "Server Information",
title: "Your Servers",
description: "Manage your guilds",
admin: {
feeds: {
feedBuilder: "Feed Builder",
feedIcon: "Feed Icon",
feedDescription: "Feed Description",
feedColour: "Feed Color",
colors: {
pink: "Pink",
red: "Red",
orange: "Orange",
green: "Green",
gray: "Gray",
blue: "Blue",
dark: "Dark",
feedSubmit: "Submit",
feedFeedPreview: "Feed Preview",
feedPreview: "Preview",
feedCurrent: "Current Feeds",
feedShowIcons: "Show Icons",
admin: {
title: "Admin Controls",
adminUpdates: "Check for Updates",
guild: {
home: "Home",
settingsCategory: "Settings",
updates: {
title: "Changes seen!",
reset: "Reset",
save: "Save",
privacyPolicy: {
title: "Privacy Policy",
description: "Privacy Policy and Terms of Service",
pp: "Complete Privacy Policy",
partials: {
sidebar: {
dash: "Dashboard",
manage: "Manage Guilds",
commands: "Commands",
pp: "Privacy Policy",
admin: "Admin",
account: "Account Pages",
login: "Sign In",
logout: "Sign Out",
navbar: {
home: "Home",
pages: {
manage: "Manage Guilds",
settings: "Manage Guilds",
commands: "Commands",
pp: "Privacy Policy",
admin: "Admin Panel",
error: "Error",
credits: "Credits",
debug: "Debug",
leaderboard: "Leaderboard",
profile: "Profile",
maintenance: "Under Maintenance",
pages: "Pages",
dashboard: "Settings",
title: {
pages: {
manage: "Manage Guilds",
settings: "Manage Guilds",
commands: "Commands",
pp: "Privacy Policy",
admin: "Admin Panel",
error: "Error",
credits: "Credits",
debug: "Debug",
leaderboard: "Leaderboard",
profile: "Profile",
maintenance: "Under Maintenance",
preloader: {
text: "Page is loading...",
premium: {
title: "Want more from Assistants?",
description: "Check out premium features below!",
buttonText: "Become Premium",
settings: {
title: "Site Configuration",
description: "Configurable Viewing Options",
theme: {
title: "Site Theme",
description: "Make the site more appealing for your eyes!",
dark: "Dark",
light: "Light",
auto: "Auto",
language: {
title: "Site Language",
description: "Select your preffered language!",
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