What are Options?

Options are like the name suggest the options/values you can configure and make available on your dashboard. The options make use of the Form Types

What does Option Object looks like

    /* Required options */
    optionId: 'unique_id',
    optionName: "Option Name",
    optionDescription: "Option Description",
    optionType: <FormType>,
    getActualSet: async ({guild,user}) => {
        return <FormTypeValueType>;
    setNew: async ({guild,user,newData}) => {
        return <FormTypeValueType>;
    /* Optional options */
    allowedCheck: async ({guild,user}) => {
        if(guild.id == "123456789876")return {allowed: false, errorMessage: 'You cannot use this option - guild is blacklisted for it.'};
        if(user.id == "123456789876")return {allowed: false, errorMessage: 'You cannot use this option - user is blacklisted for.'};
        return {allowed: true, errorMessage: null};